ANIMALS5 Natural Home Remedies for Controlling Fleas on Cats

5 Natural Home Remedies for Controlling Fleas on Cats

Fleas are an irritating, pervasive problem that can affect cats, humans, and our homes, yards, and other areas. These tiny creatures reproduce rapidly and can take over a space in no time. Not only are they a nuisance, but they can also carry disease, cause skin irritation and itching, and for cats with allergies, hair loss, rashes, and swelling.

To tackle this problem, you have a couple of options. You can purchase commercial treatments from your local store, or you can use natural remedies to treat the problem. Simple home remedies, such as vacuuming, washing bedding, and giving your pet frequent baths, can help take care of the fleas.

#1 Regular Grooming

Regular Grooming

It’s important to take care of your cat’s grooming routine not only to keep them looking their best, but also to help prevent new flea infestations. Head to your local pet store and pick up a flea comb, then use it to thoroughly comb your cat’s fur. The comb’s teeth will trap the fleas, making it easy to remove and dispose of them.

To increase effectiveness, try adding a little bit of petroleum jelly to the comb. Once you’re done grooming your cat, make sure to put the fleas you’ve caught into a bowl of soapy water to drown them. After that, you can either flush down the toilet or dispose of the fleas in the drain.

#2 Use Apple Cider Vinegar

Use Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar is a natural remedy for fleas that can be used on cats. Adding a few drops of the vinegar to your pet’s food or water bowl can help keep fleas away and kill any that may already be present. It is an effective way to remove fleas without harsh chemicals or drugs. The acidic nature of the vinegar kills the fleas on contact and makes them unable to lay eggs. It also helps balance the pH levels of your pet’s skin, making it an inhospitable environment for fleas to live in.

Apple Cider Vinegar is also a great way to improve your pet’s overall health. It has a variety of vitamins and minerals that can support a healthy digestive system and provide your cat with essential nutrients. It also has antibacterial and antifungal properties that can help keep your cat free from infection. Adding a few drops of Apple Cider Vinegar to your cat’s food or water bowl can be a safe and effective way to keep fleas away.

#3 Vacuum Regularly

Vacuum Regularly

Regular vacuuming is an essential part of keeping your home flea-free. Vacuuming not only removes fleas, but also any flea eggs that may be present in carpets, rugs, upholstery, and other fabric surfaces. Vacuuming is especially important after you have had pets indoors, since fleas can easily come in on their fur. Vacuuming helps to suck up the fleas and eggs, and prevents the fleas from multiplying and infesting your home.

It’s best to vacuum your home at least once a week to help keep fleas from becoming a problem. When you vacuum, make sure to move your vacuum slowly and pay attention to areas that may have more fleas and eggs, such as under furniture and along baseboards. Vacuuming regularly will help keep your home flea-free and can even help reduce allergens in the air.

#4 Natural Flea Dip

Natural Flea Dip

Tired of dealing with fleas on your beloved kitty? Try creating a natural flea dip at home! Begin by boiling a pot of water and adding a sliced lemon to it. Allow it to boil for 1-2 minutes, then take it off the heat and let it cool overnight. The following day, you can use the mixture to dip your cat or pour it over their fur. This homemade flea dip is ideal for mild flea infestations, but it’s important to remember that it won’t be effective unless you also treat your cat’s environment.

Be sure to wash all bedding, vacuum carpets and furniture, and anything else your kitty may come into contact with. With this natural flea dip and a few simple steps, you can help keep those pesky fleas away!

#5 Dietary Supplements

Cats Dietary Supplements

Fleas are notoriously repelled by the taste of yeast, making it an effective form of flea control for your cat. To start, try adding a teaspoon of brewer’s or nutritional yeast to your cat’s food each day. The taste of yeast in your cat’s blood and skin will make them unpalatable to fleas, who will look for tastier prey.

To further bolster your cat’s protection, add a teaspoon of unpasteurized apple cider vinegar to their water. Not only is this a natural flea repellent, but it also boosts your cat’s immune system. Finally, it’s always a great idea to consult your veterinarian about giving your cat a vitamin B1 supplement. This supplement is known to be effective against fleas, and your vet can tell you the exact dosage your cat needs and may even suggest additional nutritional supplements to improve their overall health.


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