ANIMALSHow to Bathe a Flea-Infested Dog: Essential Tips and Advice

How to Bathe a Flea-Infested Dog: Essential Tips and Advice

Having fleas on your dog can cause a great deal of distress for everyone involved. Not only can fleas spread from your dog to you, they can easily transfer to other animals in your home and even the furniture, carpets and bedding. In order to get rid of the fleas entirely, it is necessary to give your dog and any other pets in the household a thorough bath and clean any other areas of your home where fleas may be present. To ensure that the fleas remain gone, it is important to take preventative measures and be thorough in eliminating them initially.

Taking these steps will help you keep flea issues under control.

#1 Getting Ready for Bath

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Bathing your dog inside the house is often the more comfortable and safe option for your canine companion. Before you start, make sure to cover the floors with towels and check the tub for a non-slip surface to ensure your pup’s safety. Having all your materials on hand before you start is also important. You’ll need flea shampoo, a handheld shower nozzle, and possibly an extra set of hands to help you out. With all these in place, you’ll be able to regulate the temperature in the tub better than using a garden hose outside.

#2 Eye Protection

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In order to protect your pup from the irritation of fleas trying to exit its body, you should place cotton balls in its ears and put a drop of mineral oil in each eye before beginning the bathing process. Doing this will shield the delicate areas of its ears, eyes, and nose, ensuring that no soap bubbles are able to enter these sensitive areas

Once you have the cotton balls and mineral oil in place, you can begin bathing your pup. Make sure to use a shampoo that is specifically designed for dogs, as human shampoo can be too harsh on their skin. Follow the instructions on the bottle and be sure to rinse thoroughly. Once your pup is clean, you can remove the cotton balls and mineral oil from its ears and eyes.

Dry your pup off with a soft towel, and then give it a good brushing to help remove any remaining fleas. Finally, apply a flea and tick repellent to help keep your pup safe from any further infestations.

#3 Flea Shampoo

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When it comes to treating fleas, many people opt for over-the-counter medicated flea shampoos that contain pesticides. However, the amount of shampoo that is safe to use on your pet is dependent on their size and skin condition, and it is recommended to seek professional advice for the best treatment. An alternative option to an over-the-counter medicated flea shampoo is natural flea shampoo containing essential oils such as pennyroyal oil.

Although these oils are natural, they can still be toxic in certain concentrations and it is important to get a vet’s advice or pay close attention to the manufacturer’s instructions on the label.

#4 Bathing Time

Source: Getty images

When bathing your dog, it is important to begin lathering him at the top of his head, and slowly moving backward down his body, all the way to his legs and tail. Doing it any other way will cause fleas to scatter from the treated areas to your dog’s head and face, making him uncomfortable and jumpy. Be sure to use the correct amount of shampoo for your dog’s size, which is usually indicated on the bottle’s label. Using too much shampoo may irritate your dog’s skin.

#5 Flea Comb

Source: Getty images

If your dog has been exposed to fleas, it is important to remove them as quickly as possible. To do this, get a flea comb with fine, close-set tines and use it on your dog after bathing. Carefully check each section of fur for fleas or flea eggs and use a flashlight and magnifying glass if necessary to make sure you haven’t missed any.

If you find any fleas while combing, throw them into a solution of water treated with medicated flea shampoo to ensure they are completely killed or removed. By taking these steps, you can make sure your dog is free from fleas.


Repeat the above process as needed to make sure all fleas are gone. Vacuum your house thoroughly to remove any remaining fleas. Use warm water to wet your dog’s fur. Be sure to saturate the fur so the flea shampoo can penetrate it and Monitor your dog time to time.


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